Q: How do I order?
A: Follow instructions for a shopping cart on the website or contact us directly at civitas@civitascircle.com.
Q: How much does shipping cost?
A: Shipping is calculated by carrier.
Q: When will I get my shipment?
A: All products are shipped as quickly as possible. We are not an importer with a warehouse of imported goods. Because we handmake all products, some products may take longer than others. We will keep you informed by e-mail of estimated arrival of your shipment if we cannot ship within 5-10 days.
Q: When will my credit card be charged?
A: All payments are processed prior to production and shipments.
Q: How long does it take to deliver a shipment?
A: Standard USPS shipping takes between 3 to 10 days within the United States.
Q: How can I return my shipment?
A: All returns and claims must be made within 10 days after receipt of merchandise with freight prepaid and Return Authorization Number. Please, e-mail to civitas@civitascircle.com to receive your Return Authorization Number. Make sure that your shipment is accompanied with this number. We strongly recommend that you insure the package.
Q: Where do I return my merchandise?
A: Civitas Circle, Inc., Inc. RA# ............, 604 Rollins Road, POB # 22, Ingleside, Illinois 60041.
Q: When will you issue credit for returned merchandise?
A: Upon receipt and inspection of your return, we will issue credit minus any restocking charges if applicable. You are responsible for freight charges unless we shipped any item to you in error or damaged.
Q: Who is responsible for freight/shipping/delivery complaints?
A: You have to make all claims directly with the carrier. We will help you as much as we can.
Q: Do I have to cancel backorders?
A: Yes. Cancel your order in writing via e-mail to civitas@civitascircle.com; otherwise, all back orders will be shipped.
Q: Can I return merchandise because I don't like it?
A: Yes, but such returned merchandise is subject to a 15% restocking charge. You have to receive from us your Return Authorization Number prior to returning the merchandise.
Q: How long is the warranty of my merchandise?
A: All products are under the manufacturer's warranty for 1 year on parts and labor. Normal wear and tear of products is excluded from the warranty coverage.
Q: If I order several products, will they be shipped together?
A: Yes. You may have to wait, however, if one of the items is on backorder. You can advise us via e-mail at civitas@civitascircle.com of your preference.
Q: Can you ship next day?
A: Yes, if we have your item in inventory. Remember, additional shipping charges will be added to your credit card for next day shipment.
Q: Where is the merchandise made?
A: All products are made at our facility in Illinois, USA.
Q: Can I order for my retail store?
A: Yes, you can. We will provide you with wholesale prices based on your order quantity and frequency. Contact us at civitas@civitascircle.com for further details.
Q: Do you provide sample development service?
A: Yes, we do. For OEM/contract and sample development manufacturing services, contact us at civitas@civitascircle.com. Basic fees for sample(s) development range from $150.00 per hour for construction of a sample which can be used for any small or mass production. Additional cost may be added for material, unless customers supply their material. Design consultation fees and design fees for research and sample development of new products are $300.00 per hour. In case, a customer provides a "final" sample, design fees may apply if the design must be corrected or revised. Any courtesy discount is void on invoices unpaid within 5 business days.
Q: Do you provide OEM/contract manufacturing service?
A: Yes, we do. For OEM/contract and sample development manufacturing services, contact us at civitas@civitascircle.com. Production quotes are provided based on final design/samples, quantity, packaging requirements, etc. Customers supply all raw material and custom packaging. Customers can either provide their final approved samples or can have samples developed at a separate charge. Payments are required prior to production either fully paid by customers with no credit terms, or 50% deposit prior to production, 50% prior to shipment by customers with credit terms.